Friday, May 25, 2012

Ring of Fire Eclipse

Not quite relating to the 'animal' theme of this blog, but certainly falling into the area of nature's wonders, we enjoyed the rare spectacle of an eclipse over Tokyo a couple of days ago. I skipped work for the morning to watch the the event at Professor Ewan's school, enjoying the 'ring of fire' type eclipse almost as much as watching the elementary students run around like demented lemurs as the sky got darker.

And talking of lemurs, the ring tail variety at the famous Ueno Zoo in Tokyo apparently went into a frenzy as the sky got darker, jumping around and displaying the kind of behavior that is normal for them during nighttime. Certainly reveals our primate roots if you compare lemurs to 10 year olds ;)

It's quite probable that a lot of other wildlife in Japan displayed unusual behavior as well during the eclipse. However, I'm sure that this would have escaped notice as practically the entire population of Japan were looking at the heavens, or of course their home grown lemurs!

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